Continue from Rozen Maiden =D and it is Season Two!~
The story progresses when summer break arrives, Jun is busy studying on his own in the library in order to make up for time lost while he had confined himself to his home. Meanwhile, his Rozen Maiden doll, Shinku has been having troubling and disturbing dreams of late as the pain and sadness of defeating Suigintou is overwhelming despite the inevitable battle they waged before.
After waking suddenly from a nightmare, she finds Suigintou's companion spirit wandering. Decided to give a chase, she discovers that the seventh doll, Barasuishou has awakened. She now realizes that Suigintou's fate may very befall the other dolls for the appearance of the last doll signals the beginning of the end of the Alice Game.

Wow, in Träumend, there are several new non-doll characters introduced, included a riddle-spouting, tuxedo-attired anthropomorphic rabbit and two mysterious men who operate a doll shop. I never seen them in the first season before. I wonder what is their real role in Träumend and what is their relationship with Rozen Maidens. Curious!!! =D
And also all dolls are reunited! The second doll, Kanaria finally appeared. Barasuishou, the seventh. Eh Kirakishou are also the seventh doll...Oh Barasuishou is the fake seventh doll... Hahaha... =_= All the dolls want to see "Father". "Father" is definitely a mysterious person who always stay alone in room and never shows up. =/ Thanks to Träumend, the Alice Game is the final battle and the winner will see "Father"! Wanna know who is the winner, go watch this anime and don't even ask me =P.
oh ya, there are manga version existing. The story may be different. I'm not sure because I have not read it yet, jsut noticed it in MangaFox. Anyway, enjoy your reading @ Rozen Maiden.
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