
Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatters in an attempt to retrieve it from one of the many demons who was after its power, Kagome must join forces with the half-demon Inu Yasha (also after the jewel's power) to track down the shards of the jewel before its power falls into the wrong hands. See more info about Inuyasha characters;

The series follows a time-traveling middle school student, a half-demon, a lecherous monk, a fox-demon, a demon slayer, and a nekomata during the Sengoku period as they seek to find all the fragments of the Shikon no Tama and to keep them out of the hands of evildoers, especially Naraku..

Inuyasha and his friends always busy to find Naraku who hide in the unknown place. It make me surisped about Naraku created many clones which come from his body! but Naraku's clones have different of personality.. They have to fight with many youkeis , demons, and many during their jounery..@_@ Sango need to save her youngest brother from Naraku's place..but how? Inuyasha cannot accept his lover, Kiykyo will die at hand of Naraku.. They almost lose to Naraku! Lucikly, they have Kagome because she always give advice to them while they suffered. :) I think that they are 'true friends'! Can they win over Naraku when he completed the evil Shikon no Tama?

Enjoy to read;

I remembered that the Inuyasha started in 1996 since I was in my primary school...It have lot of chapters in the story! @_@ But, I am very happy when Inuyusha finally be complete in 2008~ This ending of story is very nice! ^ ^ The scenes - the characters who killed by Naraku that make me very sad. I really angry at Naraku because he likes to use his servants and people and make Inuyasha and his friends also fall in Naraku's traps..

This is great story! I hope that the artist of Inuyasha will make new manga again~ :D


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