Tactics follows the exploits of the young man with the ability to see goblins and other mythical beasts named Kantarou Ichinomiya. Ever since he was born he had the 6th sense to see the demons and others mythical creatures called “Oni”. When he was a little boy his friend Oni told him about the creature that is stronger than Oni called “Tengu”, it is the legendary demon-eating goblin. Since that story told him he dream to have a Tengu that will be his buddy forever. When he grew up he became a folklorist, who write books and article about Japanese folklore, but he also work as a monster buster secretly. In the episode “The Black Goblin Awakens”, Kantarou went to exorcise monster he was lead to a rural shrine up in the mountain where the Tengu, demon-eating goblin was sealed there. When Kantarou breaks the seal, he named the Tengu Haruka, in naming a Tengu it forces to be a slave of someone who gave name with it. As the fulfillment of Kantarou dream, Haruka became his partner in fighting the evil Oni. With his tengu and his kitsune, they solve mysteries, and help the yokai situation in Japan.
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I like the mystery screen about Minamoto Raiko and his group of soldiers come in. Together with another formidable demon, Raiko and his attendants plot many plans to try and force Kantarou to cancel the name contract or make Haruka awaken his real powers, such that they would be able to capture Haruka and present him to "that person" whose identity is unknown. If the name contract is not canceled or if the master dies, Haruka's power would forever be restrained and he would not be able to be used by the antagonists. But unfortunately those antagonist did not success in their evil mission and Haruka back in his senses and go back to Kantarou. They start again and do their usual routine such as fighting evil spirit and saving people. So, this make me curious about who is Haruko's previous master because I saw his previous master alike as Kantarou.. Maybe is Kantarou's dad or grandpa.. :D
It is weird that Haruka love to wear a tuxedo after he released from his seal.. :P Maybe he hate to wear the traditional cloth that remind him to remember his past? Or he changed his personality since he wakes up from sleep..? Well, my friends said this is the somewhat unspoken love between Kantarou and Haruka. So, the underlying homosexual tension never evolves nor is mentioned by any character, it is evident throughout the series … until the end where their relationship turns sour..
But, we sure said this story is very good and get funny characters also give u laugh out!
Enjoy to read the manga Tactics or you try to buy it in the anime shop.
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