On planet Auldrant, fonons are essential components of all matter. Ages ago, the seventh fonon was discovered - controlling Sound. Its discovery led the humanity into chaos for if one could use the seventh fonon, one could learn the future. Wars over its new fonon raged across the lands, ending only when the miasma from within the planet covered the entire world.

Yulia Jue puts in place a future for the world for thousands of years to come, with the promise of unlimited prosperity at its end. This prophecy of the future's set path becomes known as the "Score" and is documented on "Fonstones" scattered throughout the world. The nations of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear and Malkuth have fought over the fragments of these tablets for generations, each uncovering them and hoping to discover the future before the other.
Luke Fon Fabre, the young son of Duke Fabre of the Kimlasca Kingdom is the Light of the Sacred Flame, the scion of Lorelei's power, destined to bring prosperity to Kimlasca. Since being kidnapped seven years ago by the Malkuth Empire, he then has been confined in the Fabre family mansion. A fateful day, a mysterious lady breaks into the mansion and sets off a chain of events that drag Luke into the center of a massive conflict...

The battle system is the most commonly similiar in all RPG... Also features many skills and spells such as types of Artes and AD Skills to unleash upon enemies. When a character levels up, a character will learn new Artes and gain stat bonuses which when a certain statistic has large enough bonus, the AD skills is learned automatically.
Field of Fonons (FOF) is whenever a character use a spell or battle technqiue that features elemental alignment, a circle will appear on the ground. It allows a character to perform a specific skill that corresponds with the FOF circle and the skill will be upgraded into a powerful version.

Oh my, it's my first time to play Namco's product! I don't know that Namco is also that capable besides SquareEnix. I mean Namco produce a good story like SquareEnix's! Though SquareEnix is indeed great in composing 3D character and landscape.. To my surprise, Namco is good in composing anime-style skit and certain anime sequence... Unlike SquareEnix, they used Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) to produce a sequence.
I really like this game, it is very easy but can be tough as well.. A lot of fun. You can learn recipe and cook yourself. Just find the recipe and you will cook for your friends. Your friends will comment on your cooking skills - when it included the skit. =P I find 20 recipe over the world and still have not mastered all yet! @_@ Easy to get the recipe but hard to get the indregient because they are damn expensive!
Mini games are also existed. Mostly mini games will earn your characters title. I'm crazy. I was working harder in order to get titles. =P Some mini games are very tough indeed. There are also types of modes for this game - Normal, Hard and Unknown. I am sure that Hard and Unknown are stronger version. I almost completed the Normal mode, will try Hard and Unknown mode later.
There are also manga version available. Read OneManga: Tales Of Abyss or MangaFox: Tales of Abyss. It will entertain your pleasure of reading =D
Now I heard there are also anime version. It is just released in fall 2008 and have been broadcasting in Japan now. I am looking forward to watch this anime. =D
This is my best friend, Eze's review about Tales of Abyss
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