One of the noble families of England, Phantomhive's, butler, Sebastian Michaels, has unquestionably perfect knowledge, manners, talent with materials, martial arts, et cetera: but is also able to serve a 12 year-old master.
Wearing a grey tailcoat, gracefully brewing the world's strongest red tea, please read on to see how such a perfect butler copes with such a master...
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When I check this ranks of manga/anime but, wow.. many people like to read this interesting manga!
I think that the artist's artwork is amazing because art is clean and beautiful, and the story has potential, with all of the mystery surrounding the various characters and their motives. The characters sure have their sorrowful and saddest of past life.. I am touched with this child's past story because he sold to the darkness organization and was treated by the sinners so very worst since he is very young.. They think him as animal only. It is really pitiful for him.. :(
I am impressed with Sebastian's job as butler because he is very skillful! He can doing anything like up to the highest level that human cannot do..He is really mysterious guy! He can fight with the enemies; mafia, butlers, death god, etc! Who is he? You will know this truth when you read this manga or watch anime! He called "Hell Butler"! O-o Compared with Sebastian, his young master is really intelligence kid! 0_o But, this story is deeper into the darkness..but, there are still get a light in the darkness in their life. Maybe they will change themselves from darkness. Don't worry, it is very enjoyable because there are getting the staffs; gardener, maid, chef and retired butler who work for their young master..They always make many mistakes. Sometimes, Sebastian and his young master will meet the friends- very funny! That is why it make us laugh more..
If you interested in this story, enjoy to read "Kuroshitsuji" manga!
oiii kuroshitsuji é perfeito amei seu blog =D
kissus =*
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