“Yakitate” literally means “fresh baked” and the word “Japan” is actually a pun: (ja-pan) “pan” means “bread”; freshly baked Japanese bread!
Azuma Kazuma isn't terribly clever, but he's got a good heart and great skill - at baking. Since childhood, he's been on a quest to create the perfect bread to represent Japan internationally. Now, he seeks to enter the famous bakery Pantasia, in hopes of reaching his goal. But plots abound...
For more information about Yakitate!! Japan
Wow, this is my first time to watch this anime which is related with the bread, so it is really good story! Everyone should know what is about the bread because we always eat our bread on every breakfast, right? :D I think that Azuma is very genius when he was doing the bread with his different of techniques and always get the support from his trust friends; Kawachi, Suwa, and Kanmuri. Kawachi is very stupid but, he tried to help Azuma and his friends. Kanmuri and Suwa are very good at the making the bread but, they cannot beat Azuma.

Enjoy to read this manga 'Yakitate!! Japan'
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